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Dame Verte

Branding | Print | UXUI

Anice Bar Branding

Distinctive concept bar harmonizing the enchanting

the essence of the aniseed plant with A variety of drinks and desserts.


Name | Slogen

Derived from the French language and means "The Green Lady".

I chose to combine an Arabic script with a French meaning

to symbolizes Anis's Middle Eastern origin and global journey.

Inspired by absinthe, a French beverage associated with the anise plantand French culture, I chose the color green.The bar crowns anise as the king of flavors, hence the slogan

which means "kingdom of anise".


Unique bird of paradise intertwined with the anise
plant, which symbolizes renewal and the emergence
of a new gospel. Through this I created a significant
connection between the symbol and the essence of the place.


Advertising posters

Introducing the opening of dame verte throuth three images illustrating

the products the bar offering, in the form that convey desire and taste.

Marketing concept

Branded packages | Merchandise | Stationery

Designed packaging according to the brand's design language,

influenced by Middle Eastern cultures, Each product is packaged to reflect its essence.

App uxui 

Shop & Reserve

An Integrated experience through you can browse and buy a selection
of products that the place offers, as well as book a table at the bar.

User journey

ורט מפה-17.png

Guy Ezra© 2024

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